How to Spell Description
Eseandre Mordi
26 Feb 2024

This article serves as a guide to correctly spelling "description," analyzing common mistakes, and offering tips to remember its correct spelling. By understanding its etymology and employing useful techniques, you can ensure you'll never misspell this keyword again.
Correct Spelling of Description
The correct spelling of the keyword we are focusing on is description. It comprises three syllables des-crip-tion and is often misspelled due to its phonetic pronunciation. Recognizing the correct sequence of letters is crucial in professional writing, academics, and everyday communication.
How to Remember the Correct Spelling
A helpful mnemonic for remembering "description" is to think of it as "de-script-ion." By breaking down the word into simpler parts, it becomes much easier to recall the correct spelling during writing tasks.
Common Spelling Mistakes
Common mistakes when spelling "description" include:
- Discription - Missing the first 'e' due to phonetic confusion.
- Describtion - Incorrectly using 'b' instead of 'p' from auditory misinterpretation.
These errors often arise from misunderstanding the word's phonetic structure and its correct letter sequence.
Definition and Etymology of Description
"Description" refers to a spoken or written representation or account of a person, object, or event. Its etymology traces back to the Latin word "describere," meaning "to write down, transcribe, copy; sketch" and comprises "de-" (thoroughly) and "scribere" (to write). Understanding its roots can aid in grasping the comprehensive meaning and proper usage of the word.
Transcription of Description
The phonetic transcription of "description" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /dɪˈskrɪpʃən/. It is pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable, which can be helpful when trying to spell or pronounce the word correctly.
Examples of Using Description
Using "description" in sentences:
- The job description clearly outlines the required skills and experience.
- His vivid description of the event made everyone feel as if they were there.
- Reading the product description helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.
What does the word mean?A representation in words of a person, object, or event.
Words Closely Related: depiction, explanation, portrayal.
Synonyms: account, explanation, narrative.
Difference Between American and British Spelling
The word "description" is spelled the same way in both American and British English. Unlike some words which have variations between these dialects, "description" maintains consistent spelling, making it universally understandable in English-speaking countries.
Academic Dictionaries Where You Can Find Description
- Oxford English Dictionary.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
- Cambridge Dictionary.
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