How Do You Spell Promise?
Eseandre Mordi
26 Feb 2024

In a world of autocorrect and spell check, it's easy to overlook the importance of spelling words correctly. However, mastering the spelling of commonly used words such as "promise" can significantly improve your writing. In this article, we'll explore the correct spelling of "promise," common mistakes, its definition, and more.
Correct Spelling of Promise
The correct spelling of the word is promise. It is composed of two syllables: 'prom-' and '-ise'. The letter 'i' is surrounded by 'm' and 's', which is a common source of confusion for some people. Remembering the exact sequence of letters is crucial for the correct spelling of promise.
How Can Remember the Correct Spelling
To easily remember the spelling of promise, associate it with a memorable phrase like "prom night is sure exciting" - taking the first letters from 'prom', 'is', and 'sure' can help cement the spelling in your mind. Another technique is to practice writing the word several times, as muscle memory can aid in remembering its spelling.
Common Spelling Mistakes
Some common spelling mistakes for the word promise include:
- Promisse - Adding an extra 's' distorts the word and is incorrect.
- Promisee - Including an extra 'e' at the end is a common error and changes the word's pronunciation and meaning.
These mistakes are often the result of phonetic misinterpretation or overcompensation in trying to spell the word correctly.
Definition and Etymology of Promise
The word promise refers to a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen. Etymologically, "promise" comes from the Latin word "promissum," which means "to send forth, foretell, or assure beforehand." It entered Middle English through Old French. The concept of a promise involves commitment, intention, and expectation, deeply rooted in human social interactions.
Transcription of Promise
The phonetic transcription of promise in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈprɒm.ɪs/ for British English and /ˈprɑː.mɪs/ for American English. It highlights the pronunciation differences between the two main English dialects, focusing on vowel sounds.
Examples of Using of Promise
Here are some examples of how promise can be used in a sentence:
- He made a promise to return before noon.
- The child's eyes were filled with hope and promise.
- They couldn't keep their promise of confidentiality.
What does the word mean?It refers to an assurance given by one person to another that they will do or not do something.
Words Closely Related: vow, pledge, assurance.
Synonyms: commitment, guarantee, oath.
Difference Between Words in American and British Versions
The spelling of promise remains the same in both American and British English. However, pronunciation differs slightly, with American English having a broader 'a' sound compared to the more rounded 'o' in British English. Such variations do not affect the spelling but are essential for learners aiming for accent precision.
In Which Academic Dictionaries You Can Find This Word
- Oxford English Dictionary.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
- Collins Dictionary.
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