How Do You Spell Intelligent?
Eseandre Mordi
22 Feb 2024

Discovering the correct spelling of words we use every day is not just fascinating; it is essential for clear communication. This article navigates the complexities behind spelling the word "intelligent" and ensures you're equipped to use it confidently in writing.
Correct Spelling of Intelligent
The correct spelling of the word we are focusing on is intelligent. It comprises 11 letters and is often miswritten due to its length and the commonality of letter arrangements in the English language. It's important to remember that there is only one "t" following the "n" and double "l" before ending with -igent.
How can remember the correct spelling
To effectively remember the spelling of intelligent, break it down into syllables: in-tel-li-gent. Associating the word with familiar concepts or words can also help, such as connecting "intel" with "intellect", which has a related meaning. Another strategy is to use the word frequently in your writing to reinforce its spelling in your mind.
Common Spelling Mistakes
- Intelegent - Omitting the double "l" and using "e" instead of "i" in the -gent ending is incorrect.
- Intelligant - Incorrectly using an "a" instead of an "e" in the -gent ending.
- Inntelligent - Adding an extra "n" disrupts the correct letter sequence.
These mistakes often stem from mishearing the pronunciation or misunderstanding the structure of the word.
Definition and Etymology of Intelligent
The word intelligent refers to the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge effectively. It derives from the Latin "intelligens", which is the present participle of "intelligere", meaning to understand, comprehend, or perceive. Over time, it has evolved in English to describe someone who possesses a high level of understanding or mental capacity.
Transcription of Intelligent
In phonetic spelling, intelligent is transcribed as /ɪnˈtel.ɪ.dʒənt/. The emphasis lies on the second syllable, which is a helpful hint to its correct pronunciation and consequently assists in remembering the spelling.
Examples of Using of Intelligent
- She is known for making intelligent choices in difficult situations.
- The conversation shifted towards the topic of artificial intelligence and what constitutes an intelligent machine.
- He was complimented on his intelligent analysis of the novel.
These examples showcase how the word can be effectively used to describe persons, machines, and actions that exhibit a high level of understanding or reasoning.
What does the word mean?It refers to the ability to learn, understand, and make judgments or have opinions that are based on reason.
Words Closely Related: knowledgeable, smart, insightful.
Synonyms: clever, bright, brilliant.
Difference in American and British Versions
The spelling of intelligent remains the same in both American and British English. However, there may be slight variations in pronunciation, with American English generally placing a stronger emphasis on the "t" sound. Despite these minor pronunciation differences, the spelling is universally accepted in all forms of English.
Academic Dictionaries where you can find the word Intelligent
- Oxford English Dictionary.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
- Cambridge Dictionary.
These reputable sources provide in-depth definitions and usage examples that further illustrate the nuances of the word "intelligent."
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