Essay on an Ethical Dilemma You Faced

  • Eseandre Mordi

  • 11 Oct 2024

Throughout our lives, we often encounter situations that challenge our values and beliefs. One such experience I faced was during my college years when I had to navigate a significant ethical dilemma. This situation not only tested my moral compass but also shaped my understanding of integrity and responsibility. In this essay, I will recount the events surrounding this dilemma, explore the decisions I made, and reflect on the lessons learned.

The Situation

During my sophomore year in college, I was part of a group project for a critical class. As the deadline approached, we realized that one of our group members, Alex, had not contributed as much as the rest of us. This was concerning because our project was a significant portion of our final grade. In our discussions, it became evident that Alex had been struggling with personal issues that affected his ability to participate. As a result, the group faced a dilemma: should we confront Alex about his lack of involvement, or should we allow him to receive credit for the project despite not contributing?

Options Available:
  • Address the issue directly with Alex.
  • Speak with the professor about the situation.
  • Allow Alex to receive credit without confronting him.

Weighing the Consequences

Each option had its own set of consequences that we had to consider. Confronting Alex might lead to a confrontation and strain our group dynamics, but it could also motivate him to contribute. On the other hand, talking to the professor could provide clarity on how to handle the situation but might expose our group to criticism for not managing it ourselves. Lastly, allowing Alex to receive credit without confronting him could lead to a sense of unfairness among the other group members.

After considerable discussion, we decided to address the issue with Alex directly. We believed that confronting him with empathy would not only address our concerns but also offer him support. This decision was rooted in our desire for honesty and integrity in our work, despite the discomfort it might cause.

The Conversation

When we approached Alex, we made it clear that we were concerned about him and wanted to understand what was happening. He opened up about his struggles, which included family issues and mental health challenges. This candid conversation was difficult but necessary, as it helped us understand his situation better. While Alex acknowledged his lack of participation, he expressed his appreciation for our concern.

This experience taught me the importance of open communication and empathy. Instead of merely judging Alex for his lack of contribution, we took the time to understand his circumstances, which fostered a supportive environment. Ultimately, Alex agreed to put in additional effort to complete the project, which strengthened our group bond.

Lessons Learned

This ethical dilemma provided me with valuable insights into navigating difficult situations. First and foremost, I learned that ethical decision-making is rarely black and white; it often involves a range of emotions and perspectives. The experience also reinforced the significance of empathy and communication in resolving conflicts. By choosing to confront the situation directly, we created an opportunity for growth and understanding rather than resentment.

In addition, this experience highlighted the importance of maintaining integrity in academic work. It reminded me that while grades are important, the relationships and support we provide to one another are equally valuable. As I moved forward in my academic career, I carried these lessons with me, applying them to future challenges and dilemmas.


In conclusion, the ethical dilemma I faced during my college years profoundly impacted my understanding of integrity, empathy, and responsibility. By addressing the issue with Alex directly, I learned the value of communication and support in difficult situations. This experience not only strengthened my resolve to act with integrity but also reinforced the idea that understanding others' struggles can lead to positive outcomes. As we navigate our own ethical dilemmas, it is crucial to remember the importance of empathy and open dialogue in fostering understanding and resolution.